Aeronautical Hangers
Several hangars (T’s and Box) are currently available for rent or lease. Single and small twin engine planes can be accommodated.
There has been interest expressed to the airport board regarding construction of additional hangar units. We are open to hearing from all parties who might be interested in locating their aircraft (or aviation related business) at the Henderson Airport.
In addition to individual units, we would welcome hearing from parties interested in larger units – suitable for larger singles, twins, multiple aircraft or aviation related business. If you are interested in relocating your aircraft or business to our airport, we would be pleased to discuss the possibilities. Long term leases can be provided at very attractive terms.
If you interested in renting please contact the airport manager Allen Bennett at (270) 860-6901.
Non-Aeronautical Use of Hangars
The FAA has rules and regulations regarding the use of airport hangars on airports which have received FAA funding (which would include almost all airports). If you have any questions please see FAA Rules regarding non-aeronautical use.